2024 Promise Closet

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2024 Promise Closet

Our 2nd annual Promise Closet was a tremendous success, helping over 30 young ladies find beautiful dresses. We even had the joy of taking some of them to pick out their own dresses from a local prom dress shop in Grapevine. It was a blast watching the girls, some accompanied by friends, select and try on their dresses. We were also able to assist some young ladies who weren’t initially signed up for the event.

A wonderful “mama bear” volunteer brought costume jewelry to complement the new dresses, and she had an absolute blast serving as one of our “Shoppers.” She praised and encouraged the girls throughout the entire event, adding a special touch to their experience.

We understand that giving a girl a prom dress might seem like a “want” rather than a “need,” making it appear unimportant. However, we also know how crucial it is for a teenager to fit in and have one of the most exciting days of her high school career stand out. Participating in Prom can be challenging for some young women due to the expenses, which include not only the ticket but also nails, hair, makeup, shoes, and, of course, the dress.

We want these girls to feel beautiful and confident for the event and to know the extravagant love of Jesus. He loves without bounds and knows the desires of our hearts. We aim to give to these girls in the same way we’d want our own children to experience the night, going above and beyond to make it special for them.

We collaborated with Communities in Schools at Ryan High School in Denton and welcomed students from Lewisville High School. Additionally, several amazing HoneyRock Community members reached out with referrals for the program.

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The nominated person must be a single parent, have school-aged children, and reside within 20 miles of Denton, Texas.

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