About Us

Our Mission

We are Connectors

There are needs of all kinds, and while our hearts yearn to fill all of the needs… wisdom tells us that we need to be intentional in the ones Jesus leads us to.

Our hope is to bring miracles and excitement back into Christianity and show those around us that they were made to be a light in a dark place. Our initiatives come from wherever Jesus leads us through our connections and within our community. We are connectors, to Jesus and to each other.


Joshua and
Amanda Haddad

Our Story

He’s funny, she’s a realist. She drinks Dr. Pepper, he prefers coffee. She leaves lights on in every room, he can never find his keys. He prefers the mountains, she prefers any beach where there’s shopping. She’s the creative one, he’s the relational one. They cuss a little, and laugh a lot. They are equally hard working, as they are givers. They were raised in two completely opposite worlds, running into each other in the craziest start of a love story ever (ask them sometime).

Joshua & Amanda Haddad have shared 16 years together raising two gorgeous boys and chasing after Jesus every inch of the way. Spending almost their entire relationship in a ministry setting, they began their journey together within student ministry. It was there that their love grew for helping others and providing opportunities to encounter Jesus. Rather it was a leading young adult small groups, having one on one heart sessions, or shepherding an entire team of volunteers, the Haddad’s found their calling by being a part of others lives and connecting them back to Jesus.


Making An Impact

We Help
We Love
We Build
We Connect

Jesus has given you everything you need to be impactful today

Local Community

Spreading love to our neighbors by teaming up with individuals and businesses to encounter Jesus together!


Having fun with our next gen while providing opportunities to add “sprinkles” to their lives!


Helping families thrive by encountering Jesus together and supporting them in the difficult times.


Providing opportunities for our HoneyRock Team members to share their God given gifts & talents with their community!

Nominate a Solo Santa

Nominate a Solo Santa

Please fill out the form below of the nominated person's information.

The nominated person must be a single parent, have school-aged children, and reside within 20 miles of Denton, Texas.

Your Information

For our records, please let us know your name and email.